Dialog Semiconductor creates the world’s most energy-efficient, highly integrated, mixed-signal integrated circuits. These are optimised for personal mobile and automotive applications. The company provides flexible and dynamic support, world-class innovation, and the assurance of dealing with an established business partner. With its unique focus and expertise in system power management, Dialog brings decades of experience to the rapid development of integrated circuits for power and motor control, and audio and display processing. Dialog’s processor companion chips are essential for enhancing both the performance of hand-held products and the consumers’ multimedia experience. Automotive applications include intelligent motor control for comfort and safety systems. Over one billion parts have been shipped to date. With world-class manufacturing partners, Dialog operates a fabless business model. Dialog Semiconductor plc is headquartered near Stuttgart, Germany with operations in Austria, China, Germany, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, UK, and the USA. The company employs 250 worldwide, and is listed on the Frankfurt (FWB: DLG) stock exchange.