10 years have passed by since I casually ventured on an enterprise. It survives now in luck. It seems that our founding philosophy of Necessita (a fortune of the time), meaning being able to differentiate the appropriate time to wait, to go forwards, or to leave, is the main reason as to why this venture still firmly stands.
Last decade, it was the time to wait. During that time, we practiced well-intentioned failures thoroughly. To practice well is to prepare well. That is, a man who can practice well is a prepared man. We say in confidence that we NOW know how to practice well; who our customers are and what they need; what marketing and PR is and how to systemize it. We have become ‘quick learners’. Are we not originally ‘wizards’? Opportunity only knocks on a prepared man’s door!
Now, I am going to venture into a new decade. It is the time to go forward. Opportunity awaits. This upcoming decade is the time to build the world of WIZwiki.net.‘Go global and localization!’