BI Technologies has been an innovator and leader in electronic components for 50 years. We have evolved and changed, in name and in form, while retaining our innovative spirit. Today our product line encompasses trimming potentiometers, precision potentiometers, position sensors, turns counting dials, resistor and resistor networks, integrated passive networks, transformers and inductors, hybrid and power hybrid microcircuits, and custom integration of these technologies. We manufacture products on three continents and service customers globally from nine direct sales offices and over 200 representative and distributor offices. Our direct offices are located in:Fullerton, California Glenrothes, Scotland Paris, France Munich, Germany Milan, Italy Tokyo, Japan Singapore Hong Kong BI Technologies Corporation is a wholly owned subsidiary of TT electronics. TT electronics is based in the United Kingdom and is listed on the London Stock Exchange. TT electronics was formed in 1987 and originated from the amalgamation of a number of private and public companies in the 1980's. Products vary from passive electronic components through to specialized magnetic materials, power supplies and generators. Manufacturing facilities are located in Austria, Barbados, Germany, Mexico, the United Kingdom and the United States. In recent years the group has acquired a number of companies with widespread experience in the automotive, communications, aerospace and general industrial markets. Over the last ten years the company's turnover has grown from $24 million to $987 million, from one operation to 60 operations and from 500 people to 10,000 people. This has been achieved through following an effective policy which outlines the essence of ""Who TT electronics are?"" - enterprising, determined, astute and innovative. Many TT electronics companies cooperate in a network of computer-aided design, integrated quality systems, low cost manufacturing and 'just in time' product supply systems. The organic growth of TT electronics is augmented by acquisitions, providing customers with the most up-to-date and cost-effective products available."