To keep pace with market demand for more performance and functionality in today’s mobile phones, digital cameras, computers, automotive systems and other electronics products, manufacturers pack billions of transistors onto a single chip. This massive integration parallels the shift to ever-smaller process geometries, where the chip’s transistors and other physical features can be smaller than the wavelength of light used to print them. Designing and manufacturing semiconductor devices with such phenomenal scale, complexity and technological challenges would not be possible without electronic design automation (EDA). It is essential for everything from verifying that the myriad transistors do what the designer intended to dealing with physical effects on electrons traveling miles of wires with widths sometimes measuring less than 100 nanometers. Cadence Design Systems is the world's leading EDA company. Cadence customers use our software, hardware, and services to overcome a range of technical and economic hurdles. Our technologies help customers create mobile devices with longer battery life. Designers of ICs for game consoles and other consumer electronics speed their products to market using our hardware simulators to run software on a ‘virtual’ chip—long before the actual chip exists. We bridge the traditional gap between chip designers and fabrication facilities, so that manufacturing challenges can be addressed early in the design stage. And our custom IC design platform enables designers to harmonize the divergent worlds of analog and digital design to create some of the most advanced mixed-signal system on chip (SoC) designs. These are just a few of the many essential Cadence solutions that drive the success of leading IC and electronic systems companies. "